V4 – Imprinting Demon Stones Guide

Imprinting Demon Stones

Demon Stone UI

1) Demon Stone Pieces

  • Imprint demon stone pieces to gain stats.
  • Each demon stone has 4 areas that each contain 3 demon stone pieces.
  • Imprint the 3 demon stone pieces in a single area at least once to unlock a new slot where you can equip a demon stone.
  • Imprint all demon stone pieces on the current demon slate to max level to unlock the next region boss demon slate.

2) Switch Demon Slates

  • Use the arrow to go to the previous or next demon slate.

3) Demon Slate Symbols

  • Tap the demon slate symbol of the demon slate you wish to view.

4) Acquired Stats

  • Shows gauges that represent the stats acquired through demon stone piece imprinting.
  • Stats acquired through equipping demon stones are shown separately from the imprinted stats.

5) Auto-Imprint Button

  • Allows you to automatically imprint demon stone pieces.

6) Demon Slate Locked

  • Displayed when viewing a locked demon slate.

Imprinting Demon Stone Pieces

1) Demon Stone Piece Info

  • Shows the demon stone piece’s icon and name.

2) Demon Stone Piece Details

  • Shows the demon stone piece’s imprint level and acquired stats.

3) Currency Required to Imprint

  • Imprint stones and Gold are required to imprint demon stone pieces.
  • An imprint fails or succeeds based on probability.

4) Imprint Button

  • Imprints demon stone pieces.

5) Auto-Imprint Button

  • Automatically imprints demon stone pieces until you can’t anymore.

6) Demon Stone Equip Slot

  • Once the demon stone pieces connected to a specific demon stone have all been imprinted at least once, that demon stone slot becomes unlocked and a demon stone can be equipped.

Equipping Demon Stones

1) Demon Stone Slot

  • Tapping the slot shows demon stones that can be equipped to the right.

2) Equippable Demon Stone List

  • Shows demon stones that can be equipped to the slot.
  • Shows the stats of all available demon stones.

3) Equip/Switch Button

  • Allows you to equip a demon stone when no demon stone is equipped to the slot.
  • Allows you to switch demon stones when a demon stone is already equipped to the slot.

4) Equipped Demon Stone Slot

  • Shows the equipped demon stone.

5) Stat Increase after Equipping a Demon Stone

  • Equip a demon stone to see the demon stone piece’s stat increase

Demon Slate Imprinting

You can imprint a demon slate once all demon stone pieces on the Artuman Demon Slate reach max level.

Use imprint stones to imprint the demon slate and unlock stats. Use imprint stones and Gold to unlock stats. Imprinting fails or succeeds based on probability.

1) Demon Slate Imprint Alert

  • Notifies you when you can imprint the demon slate.

2) Imprint Demon Slate Button

  • Tap to imprint the demon slate.

Enhancing Demon Stones

Unused Demon Stones of and over Epic grade can be used to enhance Demon Stones, together with Magic Essence.

  • Access: [Demon Stones] > [Enhancement] > Select Demon Stone to enhance among ‘Equip Demon Stone’ or ‘Demon Stones Owned.’
  • Target: Legendary Baktar ~ Illusory Falvinia Demon Stones.

Demon Stones acquired through [Events] can be enhanced, but cannot be used as enhancement material.

*Only the same type of Demon Sones can be used for enhancement.

Example: Only Dinuks Demon Stones can be registered as enhancement material when attempting to enhance a Dinuks Demon Stone

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 519 Articles
Being a big gaming fan, I believe that I have a lot to share with other gamers. I got my first official job in the game industry in 2005 and continue to develop there. It's a true blessing when your passion, hobby, and job combine into something one. My favorite console is the Nintendo Switch. I think you can all guess why. Because I just bought a Steam Deck. I love playing on PC, but my main love for me will always be Xbox. Anyway, it's complicated and simple at the same time. After all, I'm back in the days of the ZX Spectrum (1994)…

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