V4 – Companions Guide


Companions are your NPC allies. They can be dispatched to perform duties on your behalf. They often refer to you as their captain.

Companion Effects

  • You can gain stats based on the type and grade of your companions.
  • Your companion’s stats are directly applied to you.
  • The more companions you have, the stronger you become.

Dispatching Companions

Based on their type and grade, each companion has different dispatch activity abilities. Dispatch activities are duties the companion performs on your behalf.


  • Companions can hunt in each region on your behalf.
  • Hunt time and results vary based on the companion’s grade.
  • Companions can sometimes find uncommon items while hunting.
  • The locations available for hunting are limited based on your companion’s grade.


  • Companions can gather in each region on your behalf.
  • It’s more effective for a companion to do the gathering instead of doing it yourself.
  • Items acquired through gathering are used for crafting.
  • The locations available for gathering are limited based on your companion’s grade.

Region Conquests

  • Companions can go on Region Conquests in any region you discover, regardless of its location.
  • While you go hunting in the Mirrorswamp, a companion can perform a Region Conquest in the Fogwood Lowlands.
  • Keep in mind that it takes a little longer for a companion to complete a Region Conquest than it would if you did it yourself.
  • You and your companion cannot attempt the same Region Conquest at the same time.

Named Conquests

  • Companions can conquer the named beings in each region.
  • Dispatch companions to eliminate named beings on your behalf.
  • Companions take longer to complete Named Conquests than players.
  • Like Region Conquests, you and your companion cannot attempt the same Named Conquest at the same time.

How to Dispatch Companions

From the Companions menu, tap the Dispatch button at the bottom middle of the screen.

Next, select a region to send your companion. You can dispatch them to hunt, gather, or attempt a conquest.

For Named Conquests, select a named being from the Named Conquest screen and a companion to dispatch.

Companion Stories

  • You can unlock companion stories by collecting all the companions in each story’s collection.
  • Each story features the companions that were needed to unlock that story.
  • Check out each story to earn stats and rewards.
  • Collect more companions to unlock more stories and earn more rewards!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 519 Articles
Being a big gaming fan, I believe that I have a lot to share with other gamers. I got my first official job in the game industry in 2005 and continue to develop there. It's a true blessing when your passion, hobby, and job combine into something one. My favorite console is the Nintendo Switch. I think you can all guess why. Because I just bought a Steam Deck. I love playing on PC, but my main love for me will always be Xbox. Anyway, it's complicated and simple at the same time. After all, I'm back in the days of the ZX Spectrum (1994)…

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